Hakone è un paesino circondato dalle montagne nella prefettura di Kanagawa. Principalmente la sua popolarità è dovuta alle tantissime terme naturali che vi si possono trovare, grazie alla vicinanza del monte Fuji. Hakone comprende anche un lago circodato dalle montagne ed i paesaggi che si riescono apprezzare sono spettacolari. Se a questa cartolina aggiungete il monte Fuji coperto dalla neve avete il ritratto completo.
The Hakone Onsens
The Hakone Onsens
Hakone is a small town surrounded by mountains in the Kanagawa prefecture. It famous mainly for the high number of hotsprings due to the nearby mount Fuji. The panorama you can appreciate from there are just wonderful and is not rare to find an onsen whith nice views of the Fuji mount.
Last Friday I went to hakone with Andrea, Jenny and other Japanese friends to visit an onsen, and the only bad thing was that we got there in the late afternoon so we could not appreate the landscapes. The onsen was just wonderful and cheap too. I am planning to go there again as soon as possible and this time I would like to stay an entire week end.
Tag Technorati: 箱根, 日本, Hakone, Japan, Onsen, Hotspring, TermeLast Friday I went to hakone with Andrea, Jenny and other Japanese friends to visit an onsen, and the only bad thing was that we got there in the late afternoon so we could not appreate the landscapes. The onsen was just wonderful and cheap too. I am planning to go there again as soon as possible and this time I would like to stay an entire week end.